

By cooperating with the most reliable courier services, we will deliver your order directly to the address you specified.

For deliveries to high-risk countries, an additional fee of €100 will apply.
*Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Serbia, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, United Arab Emirates

Countries which we do not deliver to:

Afghanistan, Bahamas, Belarus, Barbados, Botswana, Central African Republic, Eritrea, Ghana, Haiti, Iraq, Iran, Jamaica, Yemen, Cambodia, China, Russia, Mauritius, Myanmar/Burma, Mongolia, Nicaragua, Pakistan, Panama, Syria, Sudan, Trinidad and Tobago, Uganda, Vanuatu, Venezuela, North Korea, Zimbabwe

Delivery amount Free from
Standart 1 - 2 days 7.99 EUR + VAT 300.00 EUR
Non-standart 1 - 3 days no 9.99 EUR + VAT -
Standarta izmērs
Up to 10 kg (actual and volume weight) Dimensions 40x40x30cm
Nestandarta izmērs
Over 10 kg (actual and volume weight) Size over 40x40x30 cm

Pasūtījumus līdz 14:00 sagatavojam un izsūtām tajā pašā dienā

Delivery amount Free from
Non-standart 2 - 4 days no 16.99 EUR -
Standart 2 - 4 days 14.99 EUR 300.00 EUR
Non-standart 2 - 4 days no 16.99 EUR -
Standart 2 - 4 days 14.99 EUR 300.00 EUR
Standarta izmērs
Up to 10 kg (actual and volume weight) Dimensions 40x40x30cm
Nestandarta izmērs
Over 10 kg (actual and volume weight) Size over 40x40x30 cm

Pasūtījumus līdz 14:00 sagatavojam un izsūtām tajā pašā dienā

Eiropas savienība
Delivery amount
Courier ** Rumānija 4 - 7 days no 30.00 EUR
Courier ** Vācija 4 - 7 days no 30.00 EUR
Courier ** Zviedrija 4 - 7 days no 30.00 EUR
Courier ** Other country Need to clarify Need to clarify
Standarta izmērs
Up to 10 kg (actual and volume weight) Dimensions 40x40x30cm
Nestandarta izmērs
Over 10 kg (actual and volume weight) Size over 40x40x30 cm

Pasūtījumus līdz 14:00 sagatavojam un izsūtām tajā pašā dienā

Delivery amount
Courier ** Lielbritānija 5 - 10 days no 50.00 EUR + fee*
Courier ** Other country Need to clarify Need to clarify
Standarta izmērs
Up to 10 kg (actual and volume weight) Dimensions 40x40x30cm
Nestandarta izmērs
Over 10 kg (actual and volume weight) Size over 40x40x30 cm

Pasūtījumus līdz 14:00 sagatavojam un izsūtām tajā pašā dienā

Pārējā pasaule
Delivery amount
Courier ** ASV 10 - 15 days no 100.00 EUR + fee*
Courier ** Other country Need to clarify Need to clarify
Standarta izmērs
Up to 10 kg (actual and volume weight) Dimensions 40x40x30cm
Nestandarta izmērs
Over 10 kg (actual and volume weight) Size over 40x40x30 cm

Pasūtījumus līdz 14:00 sagatavojam un izsūtām tajā pašā dienā